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Coaching - Registration

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Please input the following information so that you can register to receive your own Personalised Online Training Program. You must be over 18 for us to accept your registration.

Payment can be made with all the normal credit/debit cards via the Paypal system. There is no need to have a Paypal account, you can just put in the card details and pay as you would with any online shop. If you have a UK bank account you can also pay by cheque if you would rather do that.

Filling in this form will take about 10-15 minutes. Hopefully, you'll feel that this is time well spent, as the more we know about your situation, the better we can set you training that is suited to your needs.

Although not all the information is mandatory, it would be useful for us if you could fill in all the boxes so we can base your training on the most complete amount of information possible.

Please ensure that you use either the tab key or your mouse to navigate the questionnaire - if you use the return key at any stage it will complete that page of the registration (probably before you've filled in all the details).

If you are having any trouble filling in this form, please e-mail any queries you have to

** = Mandatory field

What would you like your user name to be?: **

(Please use no spaces or punctuation for this or the password)
Please pick a Password (Please use no spaces or punctuation for this): **
Re-enter password (Please use no spaces or punctuation for this): **
First name: **
Surname: ** Sex:
Address: Date of Birth
Post Code: Height (cms):
E-Mail Address: ** Weight (kg):
What is the Main Aim of this programme?: **
What is Second Most Important to you:
Do you have other aims?
Fourth Requirement
(if necessary)
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