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Weight Training

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Weight training has a similar objective to Circuit training - ie to improve the bodies capability to cope with the stresses involved with exercise and to improve performance through increased strength.

The difference between the two techniques is that whilst circuits are aimed a increased performance through endurance, with weight training we are aiming to increase the maximum capacity of our bodies strength. This is a bit of a generalisation as there is a cross-over between the two, but the sentiment is not far wrong.

Weight training involves the use of either fixed weights or free weights to provide the resistance for the body to work against.

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Incorrect Weight Training

Should I use free or fixed weights?

Generally, a lot of athletes prefer the use of free weights as there is greater range of movement possible and it can allow more development of power and control as opposed to strength.

The advantage of fixed weights is that they are safer than free ones with there being little danger of them dropping and hurting someone.

It is important when using free weights that you ensure that the weights on the bar are secured firmly with collars to ensure they don't move about or, worse, fall off.

Here at My Kit Bag we believe free weights weight training is preferable as it involves the use of many more muscles and allows you to train the movements you are performing, not just individual muscles (when doing most activities we are using a number of muscles at the same time, not just an individual one).

Weight Training Technique

Technique is important in all sporting activities, but particularly so with weights exercises as incorrectly performed exercises can lead to serious injuries. It is very important that if you are not happy with the technique for any particular exercise, that you seek advice from an experienced, preferably qualified, exponent of it.

Weight Training - Cleans

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